
In der Wartehalle des ZOB

Inkdrawing of 4 Persons in a waiting hall. Three people sit on a bench, a man in the front, a woman young woman in the middle and a young man aside of her. behind them another woman is standing in front of a window, windows in the back are dark, roofs and other elements of the busstation are visible.

In der immer noch provisorischen Wartehalle des Berliner ZOB ist es voll – draussen sind -7°C. Eine Frau mit mantellanger Stepp-Weste/ärmellosem Stepp-Mantel stellt sich immer wieder vor den Elektroheizer am Fenster.

It’s packed in the still provisional waiting hall at Berlin’s central bus station – it’s -7°C outside. A woman in a coat-length quilted waistcoat/sleeveless quilted coat is standing in front of the electric heater by the window.

inkdrawing of three peple in a waiting hall. A woman in front does crochet, another woman left of her is looking at her phone, as is the young man aside of her. Windows in the back are dark, with elements of the busstation visible.

Eine Frau häkelt.

Another woman crochets.


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