Campact, Eltern gegen Rechts und Fridays for Future haben am Samstag 25.1. die Demo gegen den Rechtsruck organisiert und 100 000 sind gekommen (Veranstalterangaben).
“A sea of lights against the Right” – Campact, Parents Against the Right and Fridays for Future organised the demonstration against the shift to the right on Saturday 25 January and 100,000 people came (according to the organisers).
![Ink drawing of a demonstration, posters “Stop Putin”, “Einhörner gegen Faschismus” [unicorns against fascism], speech bubbles “Sie haben Hass, wir haben Haltung” [They have hate, we have stance],”Ganz Berlin hasst die AfD” [All of Berlin hates the ‘Alternative für Deutschland’-Party]](https://rolfschroeter.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/250125_brbutor2.jpeg)
Es reden u.A, Christoph Bautz (Campact), Anna-Nicole Heinrich (Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland), Daniela Sepheri, Luisa Neubauer (Fridays for Future), Carolin Emcke und Nele Techen (DGB), es gibt Musik u.A. von Milky Chance und LUNA und viele Lichtergeschmückte Plakate, Telefonlampen, Kerzen usw.
Speakers include Christoph Bautz (Campact), Anna-Nicole Heinrich (Evangelical Church in Germany), Daniela Sepheri, Luisa Neubauer (Fridays for Future), Carolin Emcke and Nele Techen (DGB), there was music by Milky Chance and LUNA, among others, and lots of light-decorated posters, telephone lamps, candles, etc.
![Ink drawing of a demonstration, posters “Wachsam gegen Menschenfeindlichkeit” [On guard against inhumanity], speech bubble “Respekt ist zumutbar” [Respect is appropriate]](https://rolfschroeter.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/250125_brbutor3.jpeg)

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